Here is some GOOD NEWS! - February 22, 2021

GOD willing, Rosh Pinah in-person meetings begin again tomorrow (Tuesday).  The pandemic criteria for attendance applies to this and subsequent meetings until an official notification of change is issued by the Elders. Here are the current criteria for all Rosh Pinah on-site activities:

  • All attendees should wear a mask while in the Rosh Pinah facility or near others on Rosh Pinah property. We also encourage regular handwashing – always a good practice, pandemic or not – and 6 feet minimum of personal distancing.


As we meet tomorrow, we will follow our regular Tuesday schedule:

6:15 – 7:15 pm   PRAYER TIME  led by our Rosh Shamashim Ricky Davis

7:30 – 8:40 pm  BIBLE STUDY  led by Rabbi Weygant.

  • This week we begin a 9-part series called: “Psalms of Impact.”  The series introduces us to the Psalms in general and then considers in-depth a different psalm each Tuesday session.  The psalms we will focus on are not necessarily the most well-known of the 150 psalms, but do contain sentences, concepts or principles that are widely known or quoted.  This series will not be recorded.


We plan to meet this coming Shabbat and, in the weeks to come, following the usual Rosh Pinah weekly schedule of events.  Pandemic protocol still applies to all Rosh Pinah meetings until further notice.

We look forward to seeing you!  Shalom.

CoviD Update - Feburary 4, 2021

Dear Rosh Pinah community and friends,

GOD willing, we will reconvene services on February 6 (This Shabbat), at 10:40 AM. Please join us in celebrating the LORD’s Supper, worship, fellowship and much more.

Please take note of several important changes to our meeting criteria. In keeping with all other community gatherings in Oklahoma City and with the well-being of Rosh Pinah attendees in mind, we request all attendees to properly wear facemasks at all times within the Rosh Pinah facility until further notice from the Rosh Pinah Elders. Children under age 11 are exempt.

Other exceptions to this congregational mask mandate are:

  • The worship team as they lead worship on the stage.
  • Any person speaking on stage for liturgy, announcements, teaching or other official functions.
  • Those outside of the building not in contact with others.

Please maintain a 6-foot minimum personal distancing area while at Rosh Pinah and continue washing your hands regularly.

The restart of dance during Shabbat service will begin on February 13 under the direction of our dance leader.  All dancers will need to properly wear a face mask while dancing. Clasping of hands and similar ‘touch’ dance actions are to be avoided. Dancing while wearing a facemask may be difficult for some. Caution is advised.

We will not be serving food or drinks of any kind at Rosh Pinah until further notice.

Shabbaton meetings are at 2:15pm each Shabbat and will continue as a Zoom-only event including on February 6. There will be a special Purim Shabbaton, February 27 at 3pm.

We plan to reconvene at the synagogue building for the scheduled 6:15 – 7:15pm prayer meeting followed by the 7:30 – 8:40pm Bible study each Tuesday, starting February 9.

The building remains under the care of the Rosh Pinah Shamashim (Deacons) and will be closed during the rest of each week except for necessary cleaning, maintenance, practices or by special appointment to make Judaica purchases.

We plan to have a ‘members only’ business meeting on the afternoon of March 6. Please look for a formal announcement.

It is okay to have a differing opinion on this matter, but it is not okay to be judgmental, harsh, or divisive because of your opinion. Let’s extend grace to others that see this differently than ourselves. We do ask for your full compliance with wearing face masks, personal distancing, and following the dance protocol. Hopefully as time passes, we will have fewer directives to heed and more of a return to normal congregational life.

The leadership of Rosh Pinah remains excited about what is happening spiritually at Rosh Pinah. Adonai has been pruning Rosh Pinah and that is a good work! He is already causing new growth to spring forth in several key areas.

A special thank you to those who have been praying, reaching out to others, tithing and giving, caring for the facility, and showing godly support for the community in general and the Rosh Pinah leadership in specific at this challenging time. Thank you for your understanding heart as we face this challenge together.

Please keep praying and believing GOD that the good things He has in store for our congregation will come to pass speedily and powerfully in His timing.

We hope to see each of you on February 6, ready to seek GOD together as a kehilah.

Shalom and blessings,

The Elders of Rosh Pinah

Covid Update - January 22, 2021

Dear Rosh Pinah community and friends,

We will not be convening at the Rosh Pinah facility for regular Shabbat services tomorrow, January 23. After serious prayer, counsel, and learning what other congregations are doing across the mainstream Messianic Jewish world, we are taking the step of further delaying the restart of Shabbat services until February 6, 2021. We plan to meet at Rosh Pinah at 10:40 AM, Shabbat, February 6 to celebrate the LORD’s Supper together, worship, fellowship and much more.

There are several important changes to our meeting criteria. In keeping with all other community gatherings in Oklahoma City and with the well-being of Rosh Pinah attendees in mind, we are requesting all attendees to wear facemasks at all times within the Rosh Pinah facility until further notice from the Rosh Pinah Elders.

The exceptions to this congregational mask mandate are:

    • The worship team as they lead worship on stage.

    • Any person speaking on stage for liturgy, announcements, teaching or other official functions.

    • And those outside of the building and not in contact with others.

Please maintain a 6-foot minimum personal distancing area while at Rosh Pinah and continue washing your hands regularly.

One major change is the restart of dance during the service under the direction of our dance leader. But, all dancers will need to wear a face mask while dancing. Clasping of hands and similar ‘touch’ dance actions should be avoided. Dancing while wearing a facemask may be difficult for some. Caution is advised.

We will not be serving food or drinks of any kind at Rosh Pinah until further notice.

We will continue with Shabbaton meetings at 2:15pm each Shabbat as a Zoom-only event until further notice including after we restart on February 6.

We plan to reconvene the scheduled 6:15 – 7:15pm prayer meeting followed by the 7:30 – 8:40pm Bible study each Tuesday, starting February 9.

The building will remain under the care of the Shamashim (Deacons) and will be closed during the rest of the week except for necessary cleaning, maintenance or by way of special appointments.

For some, our regathering is highly anticipated while for others, regathering on February 6 may seem too soon. It is okay to have a different opinion on this matter, but it is not okay to be judgmental, harsh, or divisive because of a different opinion. We need to extend grace to others if they see this differently than ourselves. We do ask for your full compliance with wearing face masks, personal distancing, and following the dance protocol. Hopefully as time passes, we will have less and less directives to heed and more and more of a return to normal congregational life.

We are excited about what is happening spiritually at Rosh Pinah. The LORD has been pruning Rosh Pinah and that has been a good work! And He is already causing new growth to spring forth in a number of key areas. We hope to convene an official business meeting by the end of February.  Please look for a formal announcement of that meeting two weeks before it is scheduled.

A special thank you to those who have been praying, reaching out to others, tithing or giving, and showing godly support for the Rosh Pinah leadership at this challenging time. Thank you for your understanding heart.

Please keep praying and believing GOD for the good things He has in store for our congregation to come to pass speedily in His timing.

Shalom and blessings,

The Elders of Rosh Pinah

COVID 19 UPDATE - january 5, 2021

Shalom friends, 

A new year (2021) is here! We began this new year the same way we ended last year—praising our Messiah and looking to Him for help, provision, and guidance during what has proven to be challenging times. 

The Rosh Pinah Elder board members have been prayerfully and carefully looking to the LORD throughout the pandemic. We have given the wellbeing of His flock at Rosh Pinah high priority. As a result of genuine love and concern, we are canceling all events taking place at the Rosh Pinah building from now through Friday, January 22. This also includes all mid-week gatherings at the building. GOD willing, we will reassess matters before January 22 and make another decision about holding community activities at the Rosh Pinah facility.


But canceling events at the Rosh Pinah building does not mean these events have stopped. Far from it. Each event during this down time is now taking place via Zoom. We are excited many have ‘zoomed’ in for these events and have shared in fellowship and study with other Rosh Pinah members.

Thank you for your prayers, support, encouragement and patience. As we have said previously, our Messiah is faithful and we will get through this season victoriously by His grace.

Sincerely and prayerfully,

The Elders of Rosh Pinah


Shalom Everyone!

Even a casual observer recognizes the impact of COVID-19 upon Oklahoma has worsened during the last month. In fact, currently the situation is the worst it has ever been; more deaths, more infections and more hospitalizations. Barring GOD’s intervention, the conditions are bound to worsen in the weeks ahead. Hospital space is at a premium, skilled nursing and care givers are in shortage status, and people of all ages are contracting the virus. Some are dying. And, as we look at what is happening in Israel, we see they too are facing a 3rd complete shutdown of the whole country including the economy, schools, and all public gatherings.

With all this and more in mind, the Elders of Rosh Pinah continue to look to the LORD for His direction. We sense it is best to refrain from meeting at least for the next 3 weeks, December 19, December 26 and January 2. Besides these Shabbat meeting dates, we will not be meeting at the building for prayer meetings, or Bible studies during this time, too. Please plan to join us for the Zoom meetings we will be continuing as we have been doing the last few weeks.

Thank you for your consideration and for your prayers. We also thank you for your support for Rosh Pinah during this unusual time. We will get through this as we stay together, support one another, use wisdom and keep our eyes on Yeshua.

Please stay tuned to the Rosh Pinah website for the latest information and teachings.


The Elders of Rosh Pinah

COVID 19 Update - December 4, 2020

- Shalom friends:

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a challenging event for many of us. But all is not lost. We can say, GOD is faithful, He never fails. The leadership of Rosh Pinah has an established history of facing challenges head-on while steadfastly looking to the LORD for His guidance and sustaining provision during the challenges. Seeking the wellbeing of the congregation is deeply rooted in our hearts and motivates our decisions.

To those who extend prayer and faithfully offer continued support for the community during these times, we say, ‘todah rabah’ - thank you very much. Such sacrifices are pleasing to the LORD. (Hebrews 13:6)

Currently, the Rosh Pinah Elders agree that it is wise and best not to meet at the Rosh Pinah building. This Shabbat, December 5, and the next Shabbat, December 12, Shabbat services are cancelled. Also during this same time span, all meetings including Tuesday prayer and Bible study at the building are canceled. The Elders continue to prayerfully monitor the situation. So please avail yourselves of the Rosh Pinah website for the latest news, updates, and teachings.

Though the facility is closed, we remain an active community but in a different way.

While we are closed, we plan to:

  • make available a recorded message each Shabbat.
  • facilitate a live-via-Zoom Shabbaton discussion on the Torah portion each Shabbat at 2:15 pm.
  • have a live-via-Zoom Bible study each Tuesday at 7:30 pm.
  • conduct a live-via-Zoom Prayer Meeting, each Tuesday time to be determined.
  • convene a men’s meeting live-via-Zoom Men’s Meeting THIS SUNDAY at 9:30am
  • forward soon to the ladies, details of the Ladies Zoom Hanukkah meeting; Sunday, December 13, 2:30pm

(Feel free to invite like-minded family and friends to attend these free sessions and remember to forward or share the recorded teachings with others, too.)

And there is more!

GOD willing, the first night of Hanukkah, Thursday December 10 at 7 PM we will host a community Zoom menorah lighting, each of us participating in our own homes with our own menorah and candles. Watch for the specific details.

We are also very excited about the soon-to-be released Rosh Pinah newsletter, HaShofar. Please watch for the arrival of the newsletter in the near future.

We have also prayerfully completed the Tuesday night Bible study schedule for 2021. The topics will be posted on the Rosh Pinah website by January 1, GOD willing.

Even in a time of uncertainty, we sense the LORD is with our community in a remarkable way. By His grace, we will walk through this challenge together.

We are trusting ADONAI to lead and to provide for the congregation as we put Him, His work, and the wellbeing of His flock above all else.

Now, let’s go forward together, grateful to Yeshua, the One whose love is sure even in unsure times.

Sincerely and prayerfully,

Rabbi Michael and the Elders of Rosh Pinah

covid-19 update - November 19, 2020

Shalom All,

After prayerful consideration, we will not be meeting for any purpose at the Rosh Pinah facility until Shabbat, December 5 at 10:40am. But, we will be holding a weekly Zoom Shabbaton meeting at 2:15 each Shabbat afternoon, GOD willing. If you desire an invitation to the Shabbaton Zoom meetings, please contact Roy Patterson ( to be added to the invitation list. Be aware that you cannot attend Zoom meetings without an official invitation from those conducting the meeting.

We encourage you to spend this upcoming time at home in prayer and Scripture study; seeking the LORD for His wisdom and provision. Make the most of this time and make sure to remain as separated as possible from others outside of your immediate family. The spread of the Covid virus is the worst ever seen in Oklahoma right now...and seems to be worsening according to OKC's Mayor Holt. For some reason, this verse comes to mind: Proverbs 22:3 “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.”

Although this is an unusual season for all of us, we should be comforted knowing the LORD loves each of us and He does not change. Plus, the Scripture is clear: "All things work together for the good for those who love GOD and are called according to His purpose."

We will update the Rosh Pinah website as new congregational guidelines develop.

Sincerely and prayerfully,

The Rosh Pinah Elders

Covid-19 Update - July 22, 2020

In case you have not realized or were somehow misinformed, we reopened Rosh Pinah for Shabbat service and Tuesday evening prayer and Bible study on June 13, 2020. Seeing many of you at regularly scheduled Rosh Pinah functions has been a great blessing. The powerful presence of the Holy Spirit has been obvious, too.

On Shabbat, July 4th (Independence Day), we joyously announced our ‘independence’ from the bank mortgage/ lien on our facility. We now own the building and property out right! If you are investing in Rosh Pinah, your investment is paying dividends. We thank you in the Name of our LORD Yeshua, the Center of our Messianic Jewish community.

To be clear, there is no restriction on the number of members, friends and visitors who want to attend our services. Since reopening, Shabbat Worship Services have been very well attended. Plus, first time visitors have joined us each week. Our Tuesday Prayer time and Bible study in the sanctuary are also well received, with good attendance and a good level of participation. We are also hosting Zoom Shabbaton sessions each Saturday at 2:15 pm. These have been well attended, too.

We appreciate everyone’s savlanut (סבלנות or patience) as we walk through this challenging pandemic together as a mishpacha (family). The precautionary steps we are now taking reflect a genuine care for each participant at Rosh Pinah.



1. Access to the facility will continue to be through the West Entrance. We will monitor temperatures and list those attending service. We realize such precautions may make some uncomfortable. Please know the list of people and temperatures are not shared with any government agency. They are locked securely in a file cabinet. The list will be destroyed when we resume normal operations. Our purpose is to have an accurate contact list in the event someone in attendance contracts Covid-19. We want to do our part protecting the health and safety of everyone at Rosh Pinah. Your well-being is important to us.

2. Please continue to wash your hands and use hand sanitizer. We have hand sanitizer available as needed. The City of Oklahoma City and the State of Oklahoma strongly encourage the wearing of face masks at all times. Use of face masks is also strongly encouraged by the Elders of Rosh Pinah. Doing so helps prevent the spread of Covid-19.  At this point, it is up to you to decide whether to wear a face mask as you attend Rosh Pinah. We do encourage anyone with significant health issues to be sure to follow the guidelines of their personal physician. Older congregants and anyone with underlying health concerns should consult their physician before attending Rosh Pinah. Families with children should be aware that until further notice there is no babysitting or children's classes during Rosh Pinah functions. To those who choose to remain at home rather than attend meetings at our synagogue facility, please know we love you and sincerely pray His blessings upon you just as we do for those who choose to attend.  Please do not feel any condemnation whether you attend or don't attend.  You are loved by the LORD and by your friends and 'mishpacha' at Rosh Pinah. At the very least, we can all stay in touch via Zoom. Rosh Pinah offers Shabbaton Zoom meetings at 2:15 PM most Shabbats; this Zoom meeting is open to everyone. For more information about this or other Zoom meetings, please contact the Rosh Pinah office at:

3. We ask that you maintain physical distance. Please refrain from embracing others, shaking hands, or holding hands. We understand the desire to dance in worship during the service. We ask that there be no dancing in the building during services. This situation is temporary but these guidelines remain in effect until official notification from the Elders of Rosh Pinah.

4. We will continue audio recording of the Shabbat services until video is available. Our goal is to eventually live stream all Shabbat services online. We are researching so as to purchase equipment to record and edit Shabbat Services and Tuesday Bible studies. In the meantime, our focus has been on several expensive facility issues including repair of the aging air condition system in the sanctuary.

The Rosh Pinah Elders are praying that you prosper, remain healthy, and continue to grow in Messiah during this unusual time. We hope to see you at our regular functions as listed above. Thank you for your prayers and support. Both are needed and appreciated.