Shabbat Morning Worship

Shabbat Morning Worship begins at 10:40 am

You do not need to be Jewish to attend our services or special events. Everyone is welcome!

pre-SERVICE worship time

We begin with a time of pre-service worship on Shabbat from 10-10:25 a.m. You are welcome to join us. In fact, we encourage you to join us.

Davidic Dance is an important part of Rosh Pinah Worship experience. 

our worship expience

Our worship services are a unique experience of praise and worship to the LORD. It has four distinct parts that involve Hebrew Liturgy, Songs of Praise and Worship, Sermon/Teaching Time, and Kiddish or the LORD's Supper.

Songs of Praise and Worship are led by our Worship Ministry Team. The Rosh Pinah worship experience is unique in very exciting and creative ways. The service may include songs of praise to God, canting, and occasionally the operation of Spiritual Gifts. The services are anointed by the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) Who ushers the congregation into God's presence.


Our Shabbat Morning Liturgy is a combination of blessings and confessions of faith in both Hebrew and English. Many of the songs sung are in both Hebrew and English. Do not worry if you cannot speak Hebrew. The words are transliterated to English and there are members who are willing to assist you if needed.


Oneg, which is short for oneg Shabbat (Hebrew: “Joy of Sabbath”), is a meal we eat after our Sabbath morning services or other joyous occasions to express outwardly the happiness inherent in the Sabbath.

Sharing meals is an important part of the Body Life at Rosh Pinah.  The oneg is a fellowship meal that provides congenial atmosphere, which builds a greater sense of community.  We share the oneg in our Havurah Room (Hebrew: fellowship) located opposite and behind our sanctuary.